What is GAP ?

The Graduate Arts Projects (GAP) was launched in Dec 2013 at the State Theatre Mzansi Festival as a showcase platform. 7 graduate students from Tshwane University of Technology were tasked to write, compose, choreograph and direct 15min new and original South African musicals and staged them at the festivals in front of investors. The rationale for the 15min duration was to attract potential sponsors to choose specific productions for development.

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GAP has a good relationship with Different Arts & Culture Government Departments and we use  Municipal  Theatres, Community Recreation Centres and libraries with auditoriums across the country.
GAP also has a national partnership with a number of Social  Development Youth centres operating as NGOs which already own infrastructures and resources such as: computers.

  • Arts Graduates – We provide learnership and skills development trainings.

  • School leavers & raw talents courses We provide practical experience and workshops.
  • Unemployed Youth in rural areas – We present an opportunity to enter the industry

GAP aims to transfer skills from captains of industry to the learners.


  • Actors / Musicians to deal with stage fright
  • (AI) create a virtual stage with audience for artists to use for their rehearsals

Young Producers shooting content (short stories about their areas, culture etc.) with phones – Microsoft mobile editing tool

  • Script reading – Microsoft e-learning tools
  • Online basic training skills for learners – Microsoft app
  • Story telling – pitch meters for cells

Youth Expo
GAP in partnership with SALS has been running workshops and creative arts dialogues at the Gauteng youth expo. This is a 5 days event which receives 150 000 learners per day from across the province.

The workshop entails short training in specific television, theatre and storytelling skills. Workshops are also a way to introduce GAPs long term training courses with institutions we haven’t worked with.

We also use this platform for our students to showcase and learn how to train other school learners certain skills in production.

A 3 day dialogue is an engagement between youth, industry experts and TV

Youth Expo TV Show

From Feb 2020, GAP TV will add to its new content a “SA Youth Expo TV show” which will cover youth expos across the country, career exhibitions and youth entrepreneurship programmes. The show will also features interviews with host employers and youth placement agencies / organisations.

  • New platform which will be used for students’ experiential training
  • Have partnered with Vensy Show TV
  • To produce commercialised content for the channel
  • Creation of content for other channels & media houses, events etc.
  • Partnered with YES, Lulaway, Amathuba, and work with other placement Agencies such as Khano  recruitment & SETA NGOs in the rural areas for learnerships, internship and permanent job pportunities